I am writing this article as someone who was an insider with the Democratic Party Sint Maarten circa 2009/2010. Having spent almost 16 years in the United States,mostly in Illinois and Missouri, I had spent many years covering American politics, and became active during the 2007-2008 pre-elections. I had very little faith in Barack Obama, I did not believe that it was possible for an African American to win or even vie for the highest office in our modern world. And, I am Black. I was skeptical because we had already seen the true manipulation of African Americans by 'political cons' such as Jesse Jackson, and Al Sharpton who set the Black movement back it seems, by decades.
In 2007-2008, September 11th was still very fresh in everyone's minds, I lived in the Midwest. I simply did not believe that especially after 9/11, they would ever elect a Black man named, Barack Hussein Obama.
I had been political in 2004, campaigning ironically for Sarah Wescot Williams, to make my mother happy. She was a die hard Democrat, so I wore red on elections day to please her, I assisted as a volunteer, but did NOT vote, although I was eighteen and it was my first chance to vote. I am now happy with that choice.
I got involved in the Barack Obama campaign, after I learned that one of my attorney friends, a Midwesterner (White) had joined The Democrats for Obama in Missouri. I too decided to join, the movement began to grow, especially online. It turns out I had a certain talent for online political 'skills', and was a natural born 'Troll'. So I spent a lot of time on various major and minor political websites. Reading and learning. It was months before I even voiced an opinion online as a comment. My comments came more frequently, and suddenly I had picked up a tiny fan base at places such as The Huffington Post, The Democratic Underground, Politico, and I even had a following on 'Red' sites, which were GOP/Republicans.
I was encouraged by the Editor of the St Louis Magazine to submit a sample on my political writing. It was in the middle of the Democratic Primaries, long before Sarah Palin, so I wrote her a sample on why I prefered Barack Obama to Hillary Clinton. This I believe might have caused some friction. She was an older, Caucasian lady, and I guess she really wanted to see America's first female president. Although I had supported Hillary in the beginning, I had never been a huge fan of her or her husband, and I wanted to see America's 1st Black president.So when I sent my sample article to Jeannette Cooperman, you could say that I was a bit harsh on the Clintons.
Jeannette Cooperman, did not agree with my writing, not just my opinion, but I have a certain harsh, cynical way of viewing things, and writing about politics. I continued my behind the scenes support of Obama, and became a master troll infiltrating 'Red' sites, and causing chaos. It was Jeannette who suggested that I become a blogger, but I was not quite sure what was required in blogging, and I wasn't sure whether I could stick with it.
At that time, I lost a close friend, and bought a cheapo Small Wonders camera, to practice almost as therapy. My neighbor was a computer genius Jason Murphy, I learned not to be afraid of the computer. We set up green screens, white lights, and I started to shoot and post provocative dance videos.
The dance videos would lure youtube viewers, and when they got to my sites, they would realize that it was a pro-Obama. I would record Obama in the USA, upload the video, someone in South America would translate and re-upload, that's how we were spreading his message in so many languages
I remember celebrating in Illinois with my friend as stunned news announcers in Missouri announced that Obama had won the elections. The TV political pundits and experts were so shocked, it took them a while to actually confirm that Obama had actually won.
We celebrated, it was over. The inauguration would be in a few months, and residing in Illinois I considered going, but.... the temperature, I changed my mind quickly. My job was done. I had lost the very same person who had gotten me involved in the Missouri Democrats for Obama-he died in 2008, my mom was showing the stages of dementia/alzheimers. So in April 2009, I returned to St Maarten with just two suitcases, my laptop and two tiny cameras worth less than $200 dollars combined.
I realized that my mother was deteriorating, I needed employment to take care of her, but the options for an educated, multi-lingual St Maartener was almost nil. My family tried to get me jobs, realizing that I was somewhat intelligent, but I didn't want my job through nepotism or cronyism. I didn't want to play solitaire all day in airconditioned modern offices where very little actual work was done, and almost everything consisted of mundane bureaucracies and redundancies.
It atrophies the brain, and that's why there are so many stupid/dumb people in government. Using their brain is not a part of their job requirement, so the brain atrophies.....simple!
My mother being alzheimic could be difficult, she'd been beaten horribly like her siblings by my grandfather who beat his own children with a machete (the sharp side), so she had constant flashbacks to her childhood. It was horrible, she would look at me and say "Judith, Poppa would beat me like a dog.." And she would tell me this alot, so when my brother beat her he caused her to flashback to her abusive childhood. She would lose things easily, her keys......every day.....it was difficult to get her to eat, I lost weight in the process of trying to get her to eat.
I spent most of my time with my mom, and would practice with my new video camera my little Aiptek. At this point I had the idea to set up a St Maarten site, as a local, with a local perspective. I tried to recruit photographers, because I've taken photos, but I wanted to focus on video. Many volunteered, non showed up, so I ended up having to teach myself how to learn basic photography.
I have anti-social traits which have been attribute to the Asperger/Autistic spectrum. Because Asperger is barely known in St Maarten and Autism barely acknowledged, many people formed judgements of me, such as Olga Williams, who called me rude, and had many more names to call me, she never had the sense to question whether there was a reason why I would walk in and not speak to her. Her mind is so basic, it had to be rudeness, it is NOT rudeness! Sometimes I will not talk to people, they cannot take it personally, it has nothing to do with them, it has to do with me, and i will CANNOT change-SIMPLES!
In St Maarten, I'm considered to be a weirdo. I went to college, as opposed to getting pregnant right out of highschool. I chose Illinois because I loved the Chicago Pro Teams and I wanted to get as far away from St Maarten as possible. I stayed in The United States for many years, and as much as I struggled, I did not want to return to the one dimensional, one track mind that can be St Maarten. My mom's illness is the only reason that brought me back to St Maarten.
People started noticing me taking videos and photos on the Boardwalk. I would do random dancing, skateboarding, Boardwalk Mas. Carnival had just begun, so I got into the Carnival fray with my two little cameras. All the big boys, with their studios and vans literally laughed at me. I was considered to be a joke. I had NO overhead, no big cameras, no studio. My studio was my bedroom, and I spent a lot of time there, trying to keep my mother from wandering away.
My little low budget videos brought in millions and millions of views.
What happened to the big boys?
I haven't heard or seen them since. they became obsolete
People recognized my video and photo talent and suggested that I contact a Mr Julian Rollocks. He was the current advisor to DP leader, Sarah Wescot Williams, and also the advisor to Sarah's number one man Erno Labega, everyone said, Judith you're talented go to the DP, speak to Rollocks, he has a pawn shop, go to his shop and show him your work and what you do.
So I did just that. Rollocks and I met at his Pawn Shop, and he asked me to meet with him at his Parliament office. I did, we discussed my previous political volunteer work, and I had the ability to introduce the online campaign that had assisted Obama in winning to St Maarten.
The United States had spoiled me in certain ways. I expected people to actually do what they say that they would. I trusted and believed that people's words were enough, and that is dangerous in St Maarten. I believe when you set an appointment and don't show up,or show up when you feel like it, it is the ultimate form of disrespect. But even Government officials who should know better, will waste your time all day waiting on them, because they think you can buy back time, you can't/
Julian Rollocks used to be a wealthy advisor, politician, someone involved in multi-million dollar deals andneeded a lot of work done. It was June 2009, the elections were going to be in a few months, the 10-10-10 elections just a few months later. Rollocks, who does have some comprehension of political strategizing, wanted me to get started and to work not just for him, but for the whole party.
My job was to get photos and video at rallies and events. I set up pro-Democratic blogs, social sites (almost 30) just for the Democratic Party. I assisted Rollocks in getting his very own computer to teach him how to use it, the majority in Parliament in St Maarten, to this day are politically illiterate. I was only happy to help. My mom, although with Alzheimers was still very much DP and was very proud and happy that I would be working for and assisting our cousin, Sarah Wescot Williams.
Julian Rollocks gave me a $200 dollar deposit in increments.
He wanted not just several websites set up ($500 each), he wanted bogus social sites set up to undermine the opposition. I did the work, set up the bogus Theo Heyliger account. Rollocks actually put I believe $50 dollars in my hand that day, he had a deep beef with Theo. Theo had defected to the National Alliance and William Marlin, Rollocks' cousin and arch enemy.
I was then introduced to Cimarron Marlin, Rollocks' brother who assisted him in Parliament, and then Antonio Brown, Rollocks's Beta or "Butt Boy". Antonio Brown is a man who would and will do anything no matter how illicit for his 'boy' Rollocks.
Rollocks introduced me to Antonio Brown at Parliament, we even had a meeting room set aside. What I wasn't aware of was that Rollocks had recognized my talent, he realized that I could do a lot of 'impossible' things online. Somewhere along the line he decided that he would use me to damage his perceived enemies, but he had learned the Sarah strategy of keeping his hands clean.
Antonio Brown met with me under the pretense that he wanted me to assist him with the building of a union website. Payment $500 dollars. That was the basic I charged for setting up any site.
Antonio paid a $50 dollar deposit, and ask me to take a stroll along the Boardwalk with him. I had my Aiptek Camera on and running. I told him I was taking photos, there had been storm destruction to the beach but I was actually recording him.
Antonio Brown basically said he wanted my assistance with the website, but mostly he wanted William Brooks the head of GEBE out.
There is much more audio, video and documents to the story.
I began working for DP as a subversive agent. My contacts were Cimarron Marlin and Antonio Brown. Antonio would pick me up, sometimes he would bring Cimarron along. We would drive around the island, usually drinking Heinekens as he fed me details, and information about political opponents.
I did my job well, as all the evidence which I still have can prove.
I set up his 5 websites, various blogs, shot hundreds of pictures, hours of videos. Anyone can simply Google Judith Roumou, to see that ALL the work that Rollocks had asked for had been done, and then some. Because he held such a powerful position, I didn't think he would dare not pay me, in my naivete and stupidity, I truly believed as a wealthy man with influence, I would be paid.
Julian Rollocks paid me roughly $500 or less for work that cost close to ten thousand dollars. Websites $500 each, blogs, social sites, videos, rally's. Julian Rollocks and The Democratic Party owed me close to $10.000 dollars.
It was when I started asking for my money, at least some payment, my sick mother and I had to eat.
Rollocks would have me spend bus money to come to town, wait all day at parliament with an empty stomach, wait for payment to buy groceries, and he would either not show up, or tell me to come back. Then I had to go home hungry, and beg around for money, bum everyone for change to feed my mother.
I was worked like a dog by Rollocks and the DP who refused to pay me. I lost weight, I was either working overtime for the DP and getting pennies on the dollar or maybe a sandwich. My mother and I were literally starving although I was working, i was not getting paid. I sat several months discussing it with Rollocks.
The last straw was, all the work was done. Rollocks told me he could pay me because his wife had damaged his mistress Loyola Seymonsens house. Rollocks told me that Me and my mother could NOT eat because his mistress had bills.
I said "NO" I have a sick mother on pension, we have to eat, I will NOT leave until I start receiving my payments. At this point-and it can be proven- they owed my closed to 10.000 dollars. ALL WORK HAD BEEN DONE, even work i wasn't ask to do, i went out of my way to help.
When Rollocks realized I was serious, he said to wait, he had a meeting with his advisor Elton Jones, and that he would call Cindy at the Pawn Shop to have some money ready for me. He made a great show, got on the phone. Called Cindy and told Cindy, to make sure Ms Roumou's 100 dollars was ready (He still owed me over $9000 dollars. I had waited hours until he made his phone call. He said head down to the Pawn Shop, Cindy has your money. I was so happy-groceries!!! I walked less than a block to the shop. Cindy asked why I was there. I explained that I was Judith, and Rollocks had just sent me for the money. Cindy looked me in the eyes, and said Judith, Rollocks NEVER called me.
Julian Rollocks had faked the whole conversation. I called him, he would NOT pick up his phone, but I knew the code. I called up his boyfriend Antonio Brown at GEBE and went ballistic!! I told him they owed me thousands, had me begging day in and day out for food money. MY BROTHERS CONTRIBUTED NOTHING TOWARDS MY MOTHERS CARE. I WAS HER SOLE PROVIDER, MY OTHER BROTHER HAD BEATEN AND ABUSED HER. I WAS THE ONLY ONE TO PROVIDE for her and these lying politicians were acting like ...'how dare she demand money', she's nobody. I knew as soon as I called Julians Boytoy Antonio, Julian Called me RIGHT Back, he said go to Cindy. I went profane. I said if you are lying I'm going public. I have done my work and fulfilled my duties and promises. "You're telling me that my sick mother and I cannot eat because your wife did the smart thing and took care of your mistress Loyala Seymonson. When I returned, the check was there.. I got the money, went home got groceries, my mother wouldn't eat. She'd waited all day, as I'd waited in Parliament and no longer had an appetite.
The next morning ( i have the video) I went into Erno Labegas office which was used by Rollocks. Rollocks also now had his own advisor Elton Jones because the campaign season was about to start.
Rollocks than saw THE REAL ROUMOU!. I said, I have done ALL work that was asked. You owe me thousands. I have been trying to collect for months as you lie and tell me more smoesjes. I said I no longer work for you. The work agreed upon is done, and can be proven. Pay me what you owe me, and I never will deal with you again. Him and Elton Jones LAUGHED. It was like...this girl don't know who she was dealing with
Rollocks looked at Jones and me, and said 'do ya ting gyal', I'm the King a da guttah campaign.
What Rollocks did not realized was that EVERONE had warned me about him working people and not paying them. How he was the king of the gutter AND he would drag anyone through the mud who dared bared his lies and deception.
They laughed at me, I have the video that day. I laughed to myself, I had just spent several years assisting in the take down of the Billary Monster ( Bill and Hillary Clinton) We'd wiped out Palin and John McCain....no resources but computers.. Jones and Rollocks were laughing at me openly, I was laughing inside.
Rollocks straight up said he would slander, smear me and put my name on the street.
I said okay, but made NO MOVES. When you make a negative move against someone, then you mess with your Karma, however when they attack, and you retaliate, it's all fair game.
At this point Rollocks had a falling out with his brother Cimarron Marlin when he tried to steal his brothers own land.
Cimarron and I then formed a temporary alliance.
Rollocks then brought in his main agents to slander me.
Antonio Brown
Eldridge Van Putten
and I won't name the other person.
All other DP members who I'd worked for were ORDERED by Rollocks not to pay me. So they left me and my mother destitute.
They knew I didn't have the money to sue, and they had the power, they could tell the editors of both papers what to write.
They recruited The Today Paper which is owned by lawyer Richard Gibson, who used his Editor Hilbert Haar to slander me as a favor for his pal Julian Rollocks.
They also ran to the Daily Herald who also printed unverified lies. When I went to the Daily Herald for a retraction, the old man basically said, that it was a political hit, its how politics was played, and they had to follow orders or they got threatened and lost ad revenue dollars.
When I went to the Today, Hilbert Haar tried to Harry me, he'd read my work. I woudn't work for him although it would have been a steady salary, but why would I work for a man I could outwrite? He'd already been featured and arrested for assaulting a Black woman, and he is a racist. Comparing African slaves being brought here centuries ago, to the legal prostitutes who are brough to St Maarten as sex workers. He doesn't explain the part where our government and the Columbian government have an agreement and these women are getting paid and sending thousands of American dollars to Colombia. Hilbert Haar the racist, who doesn't understand slaves don't get paid, prostitutes do, wanted to hire me. I turned him down.
Hilbert Haar then wrote in his paper that I stole websites...... Someone please ask Hilbert how that's possible? Hilbert labelled me a website thief and hacker, although I can build a brand new site in less than 5 minutes, and its actually easier to build a site in 5 minutes as opposed to spending days, weeks trying to hack an account.
But Hilbert Haar was fully aware that the average St Maartener who is barely literate when it comes to books, would buy and believe him when he lied.
Hilbert Haar accused me of many crimes. As a hacker..lie! I don't hack, He called me a website thief, I've built over 500 sites, I don't have to steal anything. I was accused of blackmail by Antonio Brown a GEBE worker (not even a manager) he got his job through mommy, he has no authority, and no money although he works at GEBE and claims to be a prominent member in the community. When they discovered his mother dying (in his care) she was asleep on a mattress placed on top of CEMENT BLOCKS!!! You wroking GEBE how many years, and your mother died on a dirty mattress placed on blocks. Maybe someone is blackmailing Antonio, but then its either one of his boytoys, or one of the brothel girls he pays extra to strap on a vibrator, and sodomize him (this is common knowledge at the brothel)
Hilbert Haar then accused me of being an drug addict. He wrote we can only prove she smokes marijuana, but we bet its more. And we will prove it.
That was 4 years ago..................Just like the Maria Buncamper attack, where is the evidence you promised Hilbert. When I work on Jacqueline, Hertie, Miriam and the rest and do to them what you did to me, will you apologize for your blatant lies about me?
One of Gibsons lawyers approached me, and we're cool. He said still planning to sue the Today for slander? Because when you do, you do realize that We (the gibson lawfirm)will be the ones you're facing in court. I laughed.
I said, I never sued because I couldn't afford to, but because they lied and slandered me without proof. I will work on them Hertie, Jacquline, Gibson Sr/Jr until THEY sue me.
So the lawyer looked surprised. I told him, why sue Richard Gibson when according to his best doctor pals he's dying of AIDS?
Me suing someone dying of Aids, as Richard Gibson is supposedly afflicted with can only make me look bad.
I sue sick Richard Gibson, he drops down on the stand probably due to AIDs complication, then they would call me the murderer.
No way. I told the lawyer, I won't sue, I will use it to motivate my responses to Hilbert, Hertie, Miriam, Gibson Jr, Jacqueline. The lawyer smiled.... I'll post his picture to show you I'm telling the truth.
I explained to this very well educated lawyer that why kill something when you can spend forever torturing it? My cats don't like the kill, they like the hunt and the torture. They even get upset when their prey dies, they try to throw it around to bring it back alive just so that they could torture it some more.
I told the smiling lawyer. WHEN ATTORNEY RICHARD GIBSON SR'S WIFE CAME HOME EARLIER, AND CAUGHT BORSTJES PENIS DEEP IN HIS ASS.....I MADE A PHOTOSHOP OF IT!!!. I ONLY NEED A PRINTER SCANNER NOW. WHEN THEY GAVE ME PHOTOS OF GIBSON JR IN COMPROMISING POSITIONS (LIKE DADDY - LIKE SON) I TOOK THE PICTURES, but I just laughed. I had spoken to, had a long-very disturbing conversation with the ex-wife of Richard Gibson Sr, I realize that Richard Gibson Jr was also a VICTIM, and that's why he is the way he is now.
Ask my little kitten Calico.....why kill a mouse outright when you can torture it all day?
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